Procedure for Application
Deadline for application : December 15, 2023
Now closed
LHRS anticipates providing travel support for a number of qualified trainees to attend the LHRS 2024 conference.
Travel Grant Applications
Early Career Scholars, participants who have received a graduate research degree (e.g., PhD) within the past seven years (2018 or later) or who are in a graduate program leading to such a degree, may be eligible to apply for a travel grant to join the pre-conference workshops and attend the conference. Attribution of awards will be done based on several criteria including:
1) academic excellence and research experience (based on CV)
2) novelty of research ideas
3) clarity of research question
4) pertinence of the question for the conference and audience
5) appropriateness of the methodology for the question
6) quality of the data analysis.
Priority will be given to students and early career researchers from developing nations and those travelling from abroad. See below for additional information.
Procedure for Application
Please send a cover letter, copy of your CV and abstract submission to by December 15th.
The deadline for applications will be December 15, 2023. All funding decisions will be communicated via e-mail in March 2024.