

Investigating human development across the lifespan: Diverse approaches for in-depth understanding
This multidisciplinary preconference, to be held in Montreal on May 28, 2024, will feature examples of methods that successfully address challenges associated with the study of human development across the lifespan.
Organized jointly by the Interdisciplinary Center for Brain and Learning, Sainte-Justine Hospital Research Center’s Brain and Development Axis, the Research Unit on Children’s Psychosocial Maladjustment, and the Observatory for Children’s Education and Health, this preconference will showcase excellence in the methods used to study the complexity and subtleties of human development. Presenters will cover a range of developmental research questions that can be addressed using various types of data (qualitative, genetic, neurological, observational, administrative), research designs (longitudinal, experimental, participatory), and analyses (content analysis, machine learning, etc.). The preconference is suitable for trainees, researchers, clinicians, and policy-makers who share an interest in developmental science to improve care and public policy.
Aimed at a diverse local, national and international audience, this day-long meeting will be an opportunity to share and learn about diverse approaches to the study of human development and will provide networking opportunities with colleagues who share similar interests.

This pre-conference is open, at no extra cost, to all 2024 LHRS conference attendees. However, please do confirm your attendance to the pre-conference when registering (by ticking the appropriate box on the registration portal).
Campus MIL de l’Université de Montréal, 1374, Ave. Thérèse-Lavoie-Roux, Montréal, QC, H2V 0B3
Auditorium A-4502.1
Campus MIL – Université de Montréal
Auditorium A-4502.1
9:15-9:50Tomas Paus, Université de Montréal, Brain & Development Axis, Centre de recherche Azrieli CHU Ste-Justine
Title : From Brain Growth to Brain Health
9:55-10:20Becket Ebitz, Université de Montréal, Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche sur le cerveau et l’apprentissage (CIRCA)
Title : Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny in Exploration
10:20-10:50Coffee break 
10:50-11:15Louise Arseneault, King’s College London 
Title : Double trouble? Using twin methodologies for longitudinal research
11:20-11:45Sébastien Hétu, Université de Montréal, CIRCA
Title : Studying social norms learning: From childhood to adulthood, from fairness to meta-norms
13:15-13:50James Reynolds, Queen’s University
Title : The Kids Brain Health Network: A case study of the co-produced pathway to impact as a framework for implementation of knowledge into practice
13:55- 14:20Sylvana Côté, Université de Montréal, CHU Ste-Justine, GRIP,  OPES
Title : Methodological avenues to understand whether prevention services can really make a difference
14:25-14:50Olivier Ferlatte, Université de Montréal, CRESP
Title : Mobiliser les approches de recherche artistiques et participatives 
15:20-15:45Melanie Dirks, McGill University 
Title : Between You and Me:  What Can Observational Methods Tell Us About Friendship
15:50Panel: Louise Arseneault, Olivier Ferlatte, Thomas Paus, James Reynolds.
Moderator: Sylvana Côté
16:30Closing remarks


Wednesday 29Thursday 30Friday 31
08:30Registration and coffee08:30Early-career and Mentors coffee08:30Coffee
09:00Opening remarks + roundtable  Michel Boivin, Louise Arseneault & Benjamin Lahey09:00Paper Symposium – social relations09:00Paper Symposium – early child cognitive
 Paper Symposium – EF and psychosocial Paper symposium – emotional connexion
 Paper Symposium – perinatal inflammation Paper Symposium – callous-unemotional traits
10:30Coffee break10:30Coffee break10:30Coffee break
11:00Paper Symposium – chronic irritability11:00KEYNOTE Robert F Krueger: The empirical11:00  Paper symposium – social media
Paper Symposium – intergen. violencestructure of psychopathology…Paper Symposium – substance use
Paper Symposium – resilience adult12:00LunchPaper Symposium – perinatal parental
12:30Lunch12:30Lunch + Poster session 2: Early life12:30Lunch
13:00  Paper Symposium – harmonization Dream Big13:00Lunch + Poster session 3: Contemporary era
13:30KEYNOTE Anne Gadermann: UsingPaper Symposium – digital exposure and MH13:30Paper symposium – academic outcomes
population-level, linked data…Invited Paper Symposium – suicide Paper Symposium – prenatal
14:30Coffee break14:30Coffee + Poster session 2 continued Paper Symposium – epigenetics
15:00Paper Symposium – genetics15:00Brief talks – longitudinal trajectories15:00Coffee + Poster session 3 continued
 Paper Symposium – harmonization FAIR Brief talks – intergenerational research15:30Brief talks – mixed
 Paper Symposium – transition adulth. Brief talks – Early risk and child/youth dev. Brief talks – Parental Mental Health
16:30Poster Session 1: Developmental16:30KEYNOTE Michael Ungar: Resilience Brief talks – Adolescence: School, parents peers
psychopathology Narratives and Social Ecologies…17:00Closing remarks
17:30Welcome cocktail (onsite)   
 18:00Closing Conference Cocktail Dinner (Riverside Saint Henry, 5020 Saint-Ambroise)